Sunday, August 2, 2009

Top Tip #1: Eat Seeds

For optimum health, we should eat 1 tablespoon of seeds per day. Seeds are incredibly rich in essential fats, minerals, vitamin E, and protein. Here's a magic formula:

1. Fill a glass jar with an airtight lid half with flaxseeds (rich in omega 3's) and half with a combination of sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds (rich in omega 6's).

2. Keep the jar sealed, and place in the refrigerator to minimize damage from light, heat, and oxygen.

3. Put a handful in a coffee or seed grinder, grind up, and put on cereals, in soup, or sprinkle on a salad.

*The omega's are my favorite supplement! I plan on blogging more about them soon. Our diets should be balanced with 3's and 6's. Unfortunately, the typical American diet contains way too much 6 and hardly any 3's since our animals no longer are allowed to grass feed, the way nature intended. Unless the package says "100 % grass fed" or the like, then the animal probably ate only genetically modified corn. Yum. More about this to come...

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