Friday, October 9, 2009

Vitamin in the Spotlight: Vitamin D

There's been alot of talk about vitamin D in the press lately. Many doctors are calling it this year's wonder vitamin and recommending their patients up their intake of it. Best way to get it, 20 minutes of morning or evening sunlight with no sunscreen on your skin.

What it does: Vitamin D supports bone and tooth formation, muscle function, and thyroid function and is needed for the proper absorption of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc.

Deficiency signs could include: joint pain or stiffness (I thought that was just old age), bachache, tooth decay, muscle cramps, and hair loss. Though extremely rare in this country, severe vitamin D deficiency results in rickets.

Optimal Daily Amount: 400 IU. My doctor recommended 1000 IUs recently to me, which happens to be the amount combined into my Nordic Naturals Cod Liver Oil.

Robbers: lack of sunlight. Hello, winter. Oh, and fried foods.

Though the sun is your best source, five good food sources are: salmon, shrimp, cow's milk, baked or broiled cod, and boiled eggs.


  1. Okay, I meant backache, not BACHache. Though not being much for classical music, I've had that, too.

  2. Too funny!!

    The kids and I take vitamin D daiy in an oil form. I just put a drop in our morning drinks!

  3. You are awesome at this vitamin stuff, Lauren! What's that liquid vitamin you were talking about? Was it an omega? I have a liquid fish oil that Lia will take, but not Brynn. Always looking for new, more Brynn-friendly stuff!

  4. I think I was telling you about the powder form of probiotics I mix in the kids' morning juice. It has 3 billion organisms as compared to 1 billion in the chewable form.
    We still take the chewable omegas from Walgreens. Which, if you remember, Maggie refused to take. Well, Luke got her to take them one morning and now she takes them everyday with no fight!!! Love that kid!
