Friday, October 9, 2009

Minerals: Zinc

Minerals are important, and one of the most important ones during this cold and flu time of year is zinc.

What it does: Zinc promotes wound and burn healing, supports the immune system, is involved in carbohydrate and protein digestion, and has a role in the reproductive organ growth & development of our kids.

Deficiency signs could include: white spots on the fingernails, stretch marks on the skin, hair loss, loss of the sense of taste or smell, joint pain, menstrual irregularities, slow wound healing, and recurrent colds or infections.

Optimal Daily Amount: 20 mg

What robs our bodies of zinc: phytates (wheat), oxalates (rhubarb & spinach - poor Popeye!), high calcium intake, copper, low protein intake, excess sugar intake, stress, and alcohol

Good food sources include: beef tenderloin, lamb loin, venison, sesame seeds, raw pumpkin, yogurt, green peas, shrimp, crimini mushrooms, cooked summer squash, boiled asparagus, miso, maple syrup (and I doubt Mrs. Butterworth's qualifies), steamed broccoli, and mustard seeds.

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