Thursday, September 3, 2009

Are herbs safe?

Yes, safer than most prescription drugs according to a ten year study on the safety of herbs. Here's the statistics found:

deaths from herbs ~ none
deaths from over the counter drugs ~ 320
deaths from prescription drugs ~ between 90,000 & 100,000

Herbs have been around a long time, while modern medicine is relatively new and pretty much isolated to our part of the world. Most people (an estimated 65-80%) still rely mainly on natural or alternative medicine. It's only here in the US where we seem reluctant to embrace more holistic cures. A meeting of the minds would be great, considering that modern medicine (allopathic or Western med) is incomparable in its role for trauma, major surgery, broken bones, and advanced stages of diseases such as cancer. Whereas, alternative medicines are incomparable in getting to the source of many maladies, such as headaches, allergies, sinus infections, nutritional deficiencies, muscle/joint aches...the list goes on & on...and helping the body HEAL naturally rather than just masking the pain for a short bit like drugs do. Drugs that, I might add, often come with side effects more taxing on the body than the original pain.

So, yes, you can use herbs quite confidently for many things. You just need patience and persistence. Herbs don't just mask the pain, but get to the root of the body's problem, which takes a longer amount of time than popping a pain pill. So having an open mind and wanting to be healed, instead of wanting a quick fix, is key.

Here are some of the more popular remedies:

Gingko biloba improves memory
Licorice root helps heal stomach ulcers
Feverfew is effective in preventing migraine headaches
Ginger prevents motion sickness and nausea
Garlic effectively lowers cholesterol and has antiviral properties
Echinacea shortens the duration of colds/flu
Milk thistle is a great liver detoxifier
Chamomile is a wonderful stomach soother
Peppermint relaxes the upper digestive tract
Ginseng increases one's resistance to stress and gives energy
Turmeric is a great anti inflammatory
Tea tree oil is an antiseptic and disinfectant, like for cuts and bug bites

~statistics from the American Assoc. of Poison Control Centers

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