Wednesday, September 9, 2009

12 Additives to Avoid and Why

1. Hydrogenated Fats -- cardiovascular disease, obesity

2. Artificial Food Colors -- allergies, asthma, hyperactivity; possible carcinogen

3. Nitrates and Nitrites -- these substances can develop into nitrosa mines in body, which can be carcinogenic

4. Sulfites (sulfur dioxide, metabisulfites, and others) -- allergic and asthmatic reactions

5. Sugar and Sweeteners -- obesity, dental cavities, diabetes and hypoglycemia, increased blood fats (triglycerides) or candida (yeast)

6. Artificial Sweeteners, including aspartame, acesulfame K, and saccharin -- behavioral problems, hyperactivity, allergies, and possibly carcinogenic. The government cautions against the use of any artificial sweetener by children and pregnant women. Shouldn't that tell us something??

7. MSG (monosodium glutamate) -- common allergic and behavioral reactions, including headache, dizziness, chest pains, depression and mood swings; also a possible neurotoxin. Gee, thanks, Japan, for introducing us to this stuff!

8. Preservatives (BHA, BHT, etc.) -- allergic reactions, hyperactivity, possibly cancer causing; BHT may be toxic to the nervous system and liver. Did I mention most fast food chicken nuggets, including McDonald's, are doused in BHT?

9. Artificial Flavors -- allergic or behavioral reactions. Kid always hyper? Check his/her favorite treats and toothpaste for Red #40.

10. Refined Flour -- low-nutrient calories, carbohydrate imbalances, altered insulin production

11. Salt (excessive) -- fluid retention and blood pressure increases

12. Olestra (an artificial fat) -- diarrhea and digestive disturbances

**Food Waxes are another concern. This is a protective coating found on non-organic produce, like apples, cucumbers, peppers, pears, etc. -- may trigger allergies, can contain pesticides, fungicide sprays, or animal byproducts.

1 comment:

  1. I'm having fun reading through your blog! You've been busy, my friend! I love that you're getting to delve into a subject that interests you so much! Thanks for sharing all your facts with us!

    BTW, did you know that if you buy Kosher Hot Dogs they don't contain all the yucky parts? They're pure beef, no lips and butts!!

    Love ya!
