Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Magnesium... a picture-less post

Eight out of ten Americans unknowingly suffer from a deficiency in Magnesium. I am one of those, and I know this because two doctors have now told me so after I had some tests run. Naturally, I had to research the heck out of Magnesium once I was told I needed to supplement it. I found that there are over 300 types of cells in our bodies that rely on this mineral for health. When our levels are low, our bodies could feel more tired, fatigued, and anxious than usual. Heart palpitations can also indicate a low Mg level, which was my biggest indicator.

Also, I've read of a number of ailments that have been scientifically proven to improve when the sufferer started using Magnesium. These include acid reflux, panic attacks, depression, infertility, adhd, cardiovascular conditions such as arrythmias & stroke, menstrual cramps, constipation, migraines, IBS, insomnia, sore muscles, and tooth decay. There are many more benefits, but as you can see, many of us could benefit from this supplement.

My doctor recommended 400-500 mg per day, but this may differ for each individual. Avoid the form Magnesium oxide, as it can cause loose stools. Look for malate, citrate, or glycinate instead. Besides an Epsom salt bath, one of my favorite ways to get extra Magnesium into my day is topically, through a homemade Magnesium Lotion that I of course found on Pinterest. Unlike many of my Pinterest attempts, this one actually turned out very nicely. I use about 1 teaspoon of it on the bottoms of my feet every night. I've added Lavender essential oil, and I call it my sleepytime cream. Of course, I'm sharing the recipe here!

First you need to make some Magnesium Oil, which is easily done with 2 ingredients: distilled water and Magnesium Chloride Flakes. I found my flakes on Amazon. Simply bring 1/2 cup of distilled water to a boil in a small pan then remove from heat. Stir in 1 heaping cup of flakes until they have dissolved. Oil is made! Set it aside for a moment.

Now put 1/2 cup coconut oil, 1/2 cup shea butter, and 2 Tbsp beeswax in a separate pan on low heat and stir until everything is dissolved into a liquid. Remove this from the heat and let this cool until it turns opaque, as in you can't see through it. This will take a few minutes but it's important to wait.

Once your mixture is cooled, whip it with a blender while slowly pouring in the Magnesium oil. The slower you pour the oil in, the better it will blend up. Don't rush. Keep whipping until well blended into a thick lotion, then add 20-30 drops of the essential oils of your choice and blend them in thoroughly. TaDa! You have made Magnesium Lotion! This makes around 10 oz. and keeps for around 6 months.

I hope you like this lotion as much as I do, and I thank Devotional Family for the fabulous recipe.

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