Saturday, February 16, 2013

My favorite home-made flavored water

This recipe is labeled as a detox water. It is said to be detoxifying, especially for the skin. All I know for sure is that it tastes delicious, which helps me in reaching my daily water intake goal.

In a pitcher of water (I used a 2 quart pitcher), add 1/2 to 1 sliced lemon, 1/2 of a sliced cucumber, and 10-12 mint leaves. I found that an entire sliced lemon was a little overpowering for me. Also, I did peel the cucumber, but some people don't and that's just fine. Let the water sit in the fridge overnight so the flavors all mesh together. Enjoy fresh, flavored water the next day!

Just fyi stuff ~
  *lemon water is great to drink first thing in the a.m. because it sets up the digestive system to do it's best work for the rest of the day
  *the mint leaves will keep your breath fresh all day long as you sip your water, and also aids in digestion
  *cucumbers are great for clear skin

Celebrate National Almond Day!

Today is National Almond Day, my favorite nut of all time. Thankfully, in addition to being tasty, almonds also have many health benefits.

~ Almonds can help regulate cholesterol. Regular consumption can help reduce your bad cholesterol (LDL) and raise your body's good cholesterol (HDL).

~ Almonds are great for your heart. The Vitamin E found in almonds acts as an antioxidant and can reduce the risk of heart disease. The presence of magnesium in the nut helps us to avoid heart attacks.

~ Almonds are naturally very low in sodium, making them an excellent choice for those with high blood pressure. The potassium they contain can also help regulate blood pressure.

~ Almonds also help in reducing the rise in sugar and insulin levels after meals. This offers protection from diabetes.

~ Almonds contain folic acid, which helps to reduce birth defects in newborns, making almonds a great snack during pregnancy.

~ Almonds can provide us with an energy boost. The presence of manganese, copper and Riboflavin helps in energy production.

The American Heart Association recommends 4 servings of healthy, raw nuts (like almonds) per week for good heart health. Besides just snacking on a handful, almonds are also a great replacement for cheese and croutons in a healthy salad. They are also a perfect topping for your morning bowl of oatmeal or your afternoon yogurt.