Sunday, November 14, 2010

100 Calorie Snacks

All numbers are approximate, but this really shows you how quickly 100 calories adds up.

Salty Snacks around 100 calories
11 french fries - 105 calories
3 cups air popped popcorn - 93 calories
1 large piece of beef jerky - 82 calories
11 Stacy's Simply Naked pita chips - 104 calories
1/2 cup boiled peanuts - 100 calories

Sweet Snacks around 100 calories
2 oreos - 107 calories
1 Rice Crispies Treat - 90 calories
1 cup applesauce - 102 calories
2 medium sized chocolate chip cookies - 96 calories
10 Junior Mints - 106 calories

Healthy Snacks around 100 calories
1 cup grapes - 104 calories
1 medium sized banana - 105 calories
1 medium sized apple - 95 calories
3/4 cup nonfat Greek yogurt - 90 calories
1/2 cup edamame - 95 calories

Sinful Snacks around 100 calories
1/3 cup chocolate ice cream - 95 calories
1 fun sized butterfinger - 100 calories
3 Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies - 112 calories
1/2 glazed cake donut - 96 calories
1/2 bag plain M&M's - 115 calories (No, not the family sized bag!)

Cheesy Snacks around 100 calories
3/4 ounce Nacho Cheese Doritos - 90 calories
2/3 ounce Cheetos - 107 calories
1/2 slice Pizza Hut thin crust cheese pizza
1 fried mozzarella stick - 102 calories
40 Goldfish crackers - 102 calories

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Give less this holiday season

I came across this great idea in this month's issue of Natural Health magazine. Rather than buying more stuff for those on your Christmas list, spending $5 here and there on one knicknack or another, spend some time taking friends and family members off junk mail lists.

Visit the website to register their addresses. They will appreciate their emptier mailboxes, and you will help cut back on the estimated 100 million trees that are sacrified each year to fund America's junk mail habit.

If anyone wants to do this for me, I'd be honored. All I want this Christmas is less junk! And a Starbucks gift card.

a new favorite

My new favorite blog to browse...The Plan to Eat blog

Fantastic, motivating writers!!