Monday, September 20, 2010

Allergies and Your Diet

More and more often, research is showing a direct link between our diets and our allergies. When diets lack in essential nutrients and fiber and are instead full of highly processed ingredients and sugars, allergy symptoms seem to be worse. Certain nutrients are essential for keeping our immune systems strong and regulating our allergic responses. If you suffer from allergies and you do not get enough of the following nutrients through diet alone, you may want to consider supplements.

~Probiotics.......replenish beneficial bacteria in our intestines. Studies show that there is a link between unhealthy gut flora and allergy symptoms in the lungs. Food sources include: yogurt, fermented foods, probiotic-fortified foods, which there are more and more of on our shelves these days.

~Quercetin & Bromelain.........are a powerful pair that work together to support healthy histamine response. Quercetin is a bioflavonoid antioxidant which aids in reducing inflammation. Bromelain is an enzyme derived from pineapples. Quercetin food sources include: onions, apples, green tea, red wine, and leafy veggies.

~Vitamin C...........plays a role in regulating the release of histamine. Food sources include: peppers, citrus, watermelon, and dark leafy greens.

~Vitamin E............has been associated with a reduced risk of hay fever. Food sources include: wheat germ, whole grains, expeller-pressed vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, dark green leafy vegetables, eggs, sweet potatoes, and brussel sprouts.

~Omega 3 Fatty Acids.........are vital for numerous functions in the body, including keeping inflammation at bay. Food sources include: certain fish like salmon and tuna, flaxseeds, walnuts, and dark leafy greens.

If you are an allergy sufferer, ragweed may be doing you in this fall, at least in Indiana where it is at an all-time high. In addition to adding the above nutrients to your diet, reducing or eliminating dairy and meat can also help keep allergies at a minimum.

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