Sunday, January 3, 2010


Happy New Year! Any resolutioners out there? I've decided mine is to be more 90/10 this year than 80/20. The healthier I eat, the better I feel, so I just need to keep that in mind. Over the holidays, I ate/drank stuff I haven't in a while, and I'm feeling it now, for sure. And I don't like it. Time to get back on track!

A few websites I've found that might help me do this (and that you may enjoy as well) are: ---> She focuses on good for you snacks at 100 or so calories. I like her because she does not believe a mini pack of 100 calorie Oreos is equal to a fresh, 100 calorie apple no matter what Nabisco claims! ---> This website looks at all the popular brands of food found at the grocery store and rates them for nutritional value. I was quite shocked by Yoplait yogurt and Ritz crackers. They are not backed by/endorsed by any food company or government agency, either, so they are honest assessors! You can get to their blog from my blog ~ left side of page, bottom column, Blogs I Enjoy.

Whatever your resolutions may be, I wish you much success and great health in 2010!

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